@media Europe 2007

It was @media Europe 2007 last week and for me it was the best yet. Patrick and his team of merry oompa-loompas put on a great show.

The presentations were fantastic this year. Particular highlights for me were those from Richard Ishida, Jon Hicks and Dan Webb. I took a lot of good stuff away from each of them.

It was also a privilege to see Molly E. Holzschlag (who recently announced her retirement from the conference circuit), Joe Clarke (who announced his retirement from Web Accessibility) and HÃ¥kon Wium Lie, who showed off the $100 Laptop.

Outside the presentation halls, it was great to catch up with old friends again and lovely to meet new people. Hopefully I’ll see you all again soon. It was only slightly weird when the bouncer at Metra told me he’d voted for the Threadless tee I was wearing.

I was beginning to feel a bit down about the whole web thing, so it’s really good to leave @media feeling enthused, inspired and full of fresh knowledge. Big thanks to everyone who made it what it was and here’s to the next one!

Name-check to some of the massive! In no particular order: Sheila, CazM, Pete, Jon & Leigh, Rich, Bahar, Boozeniges, David, Natbat, Henrik, Molly, Karl, Eatyourgreens, Gareth, Fran, Alan, Sophie, Steve, Ann and Blair. If I’ve forgotten you and you’re deeply offended, let me know ;)

4 Responses to “@media Europe 2007”

1. comment_author_url)) { ?> Caz Mockett Caz Mockett

How dare you call me massive!
Oh! Oh, I see… :-D

2. comment_author_url)) { ?> Sheila Farrell Sheila Farrell

Hi Olly, it was great to catch up and hang out at @Media2007. I left feeling inspired and looking forward to next one … :-)

3. comment_author_url)) { ?> Sara Sara

Oh I love threadless :|

I order about 5 shirts every two months. It’s an addiction I’m afraid. :|

I even buy shirts for my kids and my husband. Next box is already on the way :|

4. comment_author_url)) { ?> Olly Olly

I know that feeling all too well – I’ve had to wean myself off them.

Mind you, they’re cheaper than Howies, my latest fave label :)