Happy Birthday Little Sister

Abigail Hodgson, Avebury, 8th May 2005

Hello Abigail. Yes, you, in the pink.

Your big brother (that’ll be me) has been spectacularly useless, and failed to get you anything nice for your birthday (that’s today, as I’m sure you’re aware).

This could be something to do with not having a clue what you’d like. He thought about another game for the ‘cube but he would appear to have already bought you all the good ones. The he thought about a CD, but what does an Abbie listen to, if anything? The chocolate, sweets and book/music/beer token options all seem like a bit of a cop-out.

It could also be down to sheer disorganisation on his part.

No doubt he’ll give you a call later and see if you know what you’d like [1]), have a think, buy something and put it in the post. Maybe he’ll come and visit you at some point in the near future? He can’t plan his life beyond tomorrow so who knows when that might be…

Anyway, he hopes you’re having a good one and that you’ll forgive his uselessness – you really ought to be used to it by now!

[1] The reader might be interested to know that this question usually results in an “erm…” or something very very expensive indeed.

9 Responses to “Happy Birthday Little Sister”

1. matt

You’re as usless as me, Olly!

2. grant

Get S-club-7 to reform and perform for her.

(Is this the right sister???)

3. Olly

It is indeed. Good idea :)

4. matt

JO S-Club-7 has a solo record out in a week or so.

5. Owen

“JO S-Club-7 has a solo record out in a week or so.”

That is impressive SClub knowledge

6. matt

Taa ;)

7. grant

There you go then, Just claim credit for the single release and you’re winning.

8. Rebecca

S Club 7 is the best and the best singer in the group I think is Jo.

9. Liitlemoney

I agree with you that they are the best..