I have a React app which makes use of react-signature-pad-wrapper (which is a React wrapper for signature_pad). My component needs to call a function whenever someone stops drawing on the canvas. Until recently, I could use the onEnd event like so:
const signaturePadOptions = {
minWidth: 1,
maxWidth: 5,
penColor: "rgb(0, 0, 0)",
// This part doesn't work anymore:
onEnd: handleEndStroke,
Whenever the onEnd event was fired, my handleEndStroke function was called. But that changed in version 4 of signature-pad: Now we have to listen for endStroke events on the signaturePad. I’ve used the useEffect hook with addEventListener in my React component:
useEffect(() => {
const handleEndStroke = () => {
// I do my custom stuff here
if (!!ref.current && !!ref.current.signaturePad) {
const current = ref.current;
// initiate the event handler
// clean up the event handler
return function cleanup() {
}, [ref]);
I have a React app (built with create-react-app) which I’m hosting on Cloudflare pages. I wanted to add a X-Robots-Tag HTTP header to every page on the site. It turns out to be really quite easy:
Create a new file called _headers in your public folder, and put this inside:
X-Robots-Tag: noindex, nofollow
Obviously this is a really simple use-case, but there’s a lot more you can do. Headers take the following format:
[name]: [value]
You can have multiple name/value pairs under a given URL. URLs can contain placeholders and wildcards (called “splats”) to help widen or narrow down where they apply. So to stop anything in the /app folder from being shown in an iframe you might do:
X-Frame-Options: DENY
You can set multiple headers for the same URL, e.g.
Lets say your production site is on a custom domain, and the dev/test versions live on Cloudflare’s pages.dev domain. You don’t want search engines to index your dev/test versions, so you can send the X-Robots-Tag header only on those domains, using the placeholder functionality:
# Swap projectname below for your own project's name
X-Robots-Tag: noindex, nofollow
I’m investigating Cloudflare Pages as a hosting platform for static sites and React SPAs (amongst other things).
My first impression: This is a really simple tool which handles almost everything about hosting for me. I’m practically sold already. Hook it up to your Github (or Gitlab) repository and for the most part, everything else happens automagically. That simplicity does come with limitations though, so it might not suit everybody.
Custom domains
Hooking up a custom domain to your CF Pages site is really simple. It’s completely automated if Cloudflare manages your DNS. If not, it’s just a case of adding a CNAME entry wherever your DNS is managed. So if I wanted to point sub.example.com to my CF pages site at example.pages.dev, i’d deploy this CNAME record:
I was also able to point a custom domain at the latest deployment from a specific Git branch, in this case the develop branch:
Environments and Previews
CF Pages can be a bit limiting if you have multiple deployment environments (e.g. development, staging, production). You can only have two sets of environment variables – one for Production and another for everything else. If you need more than that, you might want to look elsewhere for now. Luckily, it’s enough for me (for now).
Speaking of environment variables, at present you have to set them using their web interface, instead of a config file. I don’t have many, so it’s not an issue for me – but if your app makes heavy use of them, they might become a bit cumbersome to manage.
With all that said, CF Pages generates a preview build for every commit you push to Github. This is useful for getting someone else to test your work before merging it, and may reduce the need for different environments. Even if you don’t use CF Pages as your main hosting platform, the preview builds are a useful way to test your site before you go to production.
Workers and server-side code
I haven’t gotten into it yet, but CF Pages now integrates with CF Workers, which is their variant on Cloud Functions / Lambda / Serverless. You also get access to KV, their key-value data store. This means Cloudflare Pages doesn’t just need to be for static sites – there’s potentially a lot more flexibility available.
import { ProductList } from "components/ProductList";
Part of this is is personal preference. It’s also down to my tooling: Flow’sautoimports feature seems to work best with named exports.
I usually only use default exports when creating screens or pages. This comes down to code splitting: I often lazy-load a screen when the user first navigates to it, and React.lazy presently only works with default exports. e.g.
As part of my work, I sometimes I need to redirect links to a local installation of a web app, so I can debug a particular issue.
For example, I might receive an email with a link to https://test.example.com/what/ever?thing=stuff but I want to see what happens with the code running at http://localhost:3000/what/ever?thing=stuff. For a while I’ve been copying the link, pasting it, manually editing it, and carrying on. But I thought there had to be a better way.
Paged.JS is a marvel. It’s a Javascript library which helps paginate HTML content, making it suitable for print output. It implements a lot of the CSS Paged Media specifications – so I guess you can think of it as a polyfill. I’ve combined it with Puppeteer to transform a variety of HTML documents into PDFs, complete with repeating headers, footers, footnotes, etc.
It’s amazing, but imperfect. I’ve run into a few issues in the current version (v0.2.0 at the time of writing). My HTML documents make extensive use of CSS flex and grid for layout. For the most part this works fine with Paged.JS, except at the borders between pages. For example, I can use break-inside: avoid to avoid page breaks from happening inside an element:
@media print {
.block {
break-inside: avoid;
However, if that element happens to be either a flex parent (it has display: flex;) or a flex item (it’s a direct child of a flex parent), the break-inside property is either ignored, or causes other “interesting” issues. Improvements are on the roadmap, but in the meantime we need a workaround. It’s not ideal, but the most reliable way I’ve found is to fall back to older layout techniques, like block, inline-block or float:
They’re obviously not quite as flexible, but they work!
It’d be really nice if the various browser engines out there implemented more of the Paged Media specifications natively. As much as I love Paged.JS, I’d love to be able to remove it. Maybe one day…