Safe and Secure

You may remember that a while back I was on about how it’d be a good idea to get myself some lights for my bike.

Well, I’ve started down that path, with a set of commuter lights, which should see me getting to and from work a little bit quicker (in as much as I’ll be able to use my bike again now). I’ve had one of those rear lights before — they’re very bright and offer a cool “Knight Rider” mode. The LED headlight seems to be very bright too, though obviously its not good enough for any serious off-roading. It ought to get me to and from work in relative safety though.

New York Lock

What price security? About £56.99

Whilst my bike’s there, it’ll be pretty securely locked to the railings, thanks to a slightly OTT Kryptonite New York Lock, along with the Kryptoflex that I’ve already got. It weighs a ton and seems to be one hell of a lot more secure than the cheap and nasty lock it replaces, though to be fair, that wouldnt take much. Its also one of the newer ones that can’t be broken into with an old Bic biro, which is nice. The key has a car-style light on it so that you can see the keyhole in the dark, which is a totally ace feature to have on a bike lock!

I am slightly worried that I’ll be laying down a challenge to potential thieves rather than deterring them though ;-)